“Don’t go in there!”

It was the perfect early summer morning.  At the start of the path into one of my favourite little forests in the city, I met two people coming out.

“Don’t go in there!” the man said.

“Why not?” I feared the worst.

“You’ll fall in love!” he laughed. He was right. The light through the new leaves, the bird songs and the smell of the earth and growing things all made me feel as if I had stepped into enchanted fairytale forest.

Taking time out to walk in nature is something I try to do every day. There is always something interesting to see. It clears my mind of all the busy details and interruptions. More often than not, while I’m focused on the surroundings,  ideas and solutions pop into my head.

Opening a new book can be like stepping into the woods. Something about entering another world sharpens the senses and makes us more open to new patterns of thinking.

So, I suggest: DO go into the woods, and Do open a book. It’s worth the risk of falling in love!
